Saturday 18 January 2025 at 5:00 pm at the Galleria dell’eremo – Municipal seat of San Pietro di Feletto – the inauguration of the personal exhibition “Dalla sensazione all’emozione” will take place. Corrado Castellani will present.
Via Marconi, 3 – San Pietro di Feletto (TV)

Dalla sensazione all’emozione

Baluginii, affioramenti, epifanie

Annamaria Li Gotti’s painting presents itself as a refined abstraction that, having distanced itself from explicit references to recognizable visual data, affirms the primacy of sensation. Its expressive richness is independent of categorizing distinctions to convey emotional involvement in an indefinite way, but with undeniable effectiveness. The paintings are presented as veiled, transparent surfaces, with dominant chromatic mixtures and timbral epiphanies to which a symbolic emergence is entrusted. They are made with a controlled and affectionate gesture that immerses the works in a calm and reassuring atmosphere. Everything is pervaded by ineffability and indeterminacy. It is not even possible to distinguish how much is to be ascribed to sentient subjectivity and how much to the objectivity of a perceived exteriority. Certainly the palette with its dominant shades, light blue, blue, green, purple, brings with it vague naturalistic references, which the titles sometimes seem to reinforce, but it does not go beyond a generic evocation. Just as the light, of marked Mediterranean ancestry, so much so as to bring to mind the painters of the School of Scicli, seems to refer to a very specific latitude. But these are vague references, which the paintings do not allow to be further contextualized. They are nevertheless distilled ideas, removed from direct experience and sublimated by memory in the disappearance of any explicit spatial-temporal orientation. The painting abandons the clarity of the form, to stick to dematerialized outcrops of evanescent consistency. vaporous visual effects that ideally connect to the tradition of Turner and Constable. The painters who transformed the definition of the image find their roots in this matrix, as Franco Arcangeli first highlighted, the critic who traced the red line that connects nineteenth-century Romanticism with the Informal of the second half of the twentieth century. In this romantic-informal climate, devoid of harshness and conflict, as well as configuration and definition of form, painting becomes atmosphere, pure and unprejudiced emotion. In it, the feeling of nature and the perception of subjective experience merge, in an amalgam that envelops Annamaria Li Gotti’s paintings and qualifies their lyrical intensity and communicative immediacy.

Corrado Castellani

From January 18th to February 17th 2025, the works of Anna Maria Li Gotti will be on display at the Galleria dell’Eremo (Municipal headquarters) in San Pietro di Feletto.